Fundamentals of child health (2024)

Fundamentals of child health e-course

Children's oral health (2024)

Fundamentals of child health (2024)

This e-assessment is linked with the CPPE Fundamentals of child health e-course and assesses you on the learning outcomes within that programme.

Child sexual exploitation (elearning for healthcare)

NHS - Spotting the signs of child sexual exploitation

Supported by Health Education England (HEE), in association with the Department of Health and NHS England, this short video presents a series of scenarios involving a young person potentially at risk of child sexual exploitation (CSE) and uses the voice of a real-life victim who talks about her experiences at the hands of a CSE gang.

The video provides practical advice on what to do if you suspect a patient or person in your care is at risk and makes it clear that there is a responsibility to report any activity that you think is suspicious.

After watching this video you should be able to:

  • describe what CSE is, who is at risk and the impact it can have on young people's lives
  • recognise the indicators of CSE in various healthcare settings
  • understand your professional responsibility to take action to protect and support any young person you suspect may be at risk of CSE.

Combatting CSE - An e-learning resource for healthcare professionals - GPhC

This programme developed jointly by Brook and the Department of Health, provides learning for all healthcare staff on preventing, identifying and responding to Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE). After ordering this programme, you will be redirected to their website where the resource is hosted. Please be aware that CPPE does not maintain control over the accuracy and currency of this programme.

It sets out the legislative background to CSE, gives examples of physical and behavioural signs of someone who may be affected by or at risk of CSE and advises how to respond in a way that will not put the young person in further danger.

On completion of all aspects of this learning programme you should be able to:

  • know what CSE is, and that protection from it extends to everyone under 18 years
  • recognise vulnerabilities and circumstances which indicate a risk from CSE
  • know the physical, emotional and circumstantial indicators that CSE has taken place/is taking place
  • be confident to act if you suspect that an individual is at risk or has been/is being abused
  • be able to maintain a focus on the young person, their safety and wellbeing.

Consulting with children and young people

Involving children in the discussion about their care can improve outcomes and promote ownership of health. This e-learning programme focuses on the key skills and behaviours you can adopt to make sure you communicate effectively with children and young people and manage the triadic consultation effectively.

On completion of all aspects of this learning programme you should be able to:

  • describe the benefits of involving children and young people in the consultation
  • recognise and address the challenges of the triadic consultation
  • describe the skills and techniques needed to engage children and young people successfully in the consultation
  • apply the skills, knowledge and behaviours to demonstrate a patient-centred approach when consulting with children and young people
  • complete a self-reflection checklist to support you in developing your practice.