Safeguarding children Level 1 (elearning for healthcare)

The Safeguarding children Level 1 e-learning programme and assessment covers the statutory and mandatory training to meet the learning outcomes in the UK Core Skills Training Framework.

On completion of all aspects of this learning programme you should be able to:

  • describe the different forms of child maltreatment (physical, emotional, sexual abuse and neglect)
  • describe how common child maltreatment is and the impact it can have on a child or young person
  • indicate what you should do if you do have concerns about child maltreatment; including local policies and procedures, who to contact and where to obtain further advice and support
  • identify the importance of sharing information and the consequences of failing to do so
  • identify what to do if you feel that your concerns are not being taken seriously or you experience any other barriers when referring a child/family
  • describe the risks associated with the internet and online social networking
  • identify what the term 'looked-after child' means
  • recognise possible signs of child maltreatment that you might come across in your work
  • identify how to seek appropriate advice, report concerns and feel confident that you have been listened to
  • indicate a willingness to listen to children and young people and to act on their issues and concerns
  • show an awareness of the impact of female genital mutilation (FGM), domestic violence and a carer's mental/physical health on a child
  • show an awareness that vulnerable children and young people may be susceptible to radicalisation (PREVENT programme).

Safeguarding children Level 2 (elearning for healthcare)

The Safeguarding children Level 2 e-learning programme and assessment covers the statutory and mandatory training to meet the learning outcomes in the UK Core Skills Training Framework.

On completion of all aspects of this learning programme you should be able to:

  • describe what constitutes child maltreatment and be able to identify any signs of child abuse or neglect
  • be able to act as an effective advocate for a child or young person
  • describe the potential impact of the physical and mental health of a parent/carer on the well-being of a child or young person in order to be able to identify a child or young person at risk
  • be able to identify the professional role, responsibilities and professional boundaries and those of colleagues in a multi-disciplinary team and in a multi-agency setting
  • explain how and when to refer to social care if safeguarding/child protection is identified as a concern
  • be able to document safeguarding/child protection concerns in a format that informs the relevant staff and agencies appropriately
  • explain how to maintain appropriate records including being able to differentiate between fact and opinion
  • be able to identify the appropriate and relevant information and how to share it with other teams
  • list key statutory and non-statutory guidance and legislation including the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and Human Rights Act
  • describe the risk of female genital mutilation (FGM) in certain communities, be willing to ask about FGM in the course of taking a routine history, know whom to contact if a child makes a disclosure of impending or completed mutilation, be aware of the signs and symptoms and be able to refer appropriately for further care and support
  • list the risk factors for radicalisation and know whom to contact regarding preventive action and support for those vulnerable young persons who may be at risk of, or are being drawn into, terrorist-related activity
  • be able to identify and refer a child suspected of being a victim of trafficking and/or sexual exploitation.

Safeguarding adults Level 2 (elearning for healthcare)

The Safeguarding adults Level 2 e-learning programme and assessment covers the statutory and mandatory training to meet the learning outcomes in the UK Core Skills Training Framework.

On completion of all aspects of this learning programme you should be able to:

  • list the principles of the Care Act (2014) which has changed the way people who have care and support needs, including those who are having difficulty understanding what is happening to them and should be assessed and involved in their care and support pathway
  • describe the importance of the safety and well-being of people with care and support needs, including making safeguarding personal and the identification of abuse and principles underlying the Care Act 2014 and Mental Capacity Act 2005 and subsequent MCA amendment ACT 2019
  • use your local multi-agency policies and procedures to identify the stages under the adult safeguarding process for the protection of adults with care and support needs
  • describe your local statutory adult safeguarding board's policy and procedures regarding escalation and challenge if you think that your concerns are not being taken seriously.

Safeguarding adults Level 1 (elearning for healthcare)

The Safeguarding adults Level 1 e-learning programme and assessment covers the statutory and mandatory training to meet the learning outcomes in the UK Core Skills Training Framework.

On completion of all aspects of this learning programme you should be able to:

  • describe the process whereby someone is first alerted to a concern or incident that suggests an adult with care and support needs: is experiencing or is at risk of abuse or neglect, and as a result of their care and support needs, is unable to protect themselves against abuse or neglect, or the risk of it
  • describe how to respond to, and report, a concern
  • define the term ‘adult safeguarding' and underlying statutory principles that underpin adult safeguarding work
  • define abuse and neglect, patterns, types and list possible indicators
  • identify why some adults are more at risk from abusive behaviour
  • explain the role you must play in recognising and reporting and whom you need to speak to if you have a safeguarding concern.